Eva Asturizaga
Volunteer of the Month
February 2023
There was a time at Trufi before Eva: It was only October last year. Within a couple of months, she became “Let’s ask Eva” for her skills, and willingness to support multiple facets within Trufi – all while completing her master’s degree in Urban Management at Technical University of Berlin.
She contributes to our grant proposals and contracts, and helps out in internal meetings and meetings with potential partners.
Eva speaks multiple languages – English, German, Spanish, plus one or more that she keeps up her sleeve. She has helped with our video subtitles – understanding not just the languages, but the transport context.
Eva is based in Berlin, Germany. Previously in her career, she worked in the international development sector as a Project Manager for USAID funded projects, mostly in Asia and Africa.
Be Like Eva: Volunteer for Trufi
We feature a volunteer every month who has helped make a difference at Trufi. Maybe you! Here’s a partial list of our volunteering ideas based on our current needs. Contact us now get started as a volunteer.
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