Volunteer of the Month: Kevin Moutoucarpin

Kevin Moutoucarpin

Kevin Moutoucarpin

Volunteer of the Month

September 2024

Meet Kevin Moutoucarpin, our outstanding Volunteer of the Month from Paris, France.

Since August, Kevin has been contributing to Trufi by tracking user behaviors on our website. He has translated our objectives into key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics, ensuring that we’re monitoring the right aspects of our site. Additionally, Kevin has reviewed the website and offered valuable suggestions related to user experience (UX) and GDPR compliance.

Did you notice that you didn’t get an annoying pop-up notification just now asking you to Donate to Trufi? You can thank Kevin for that.

Kevin has a knack for asking embarrassing fundamental questions, such as, “What are the business goals of the website?” The goals and answers that had not necessarily been articulated before – sometimes partially documented, sometime intuitively understood but only in our Communications Director’s mind. Kevin’s focus has been both enlightening and beneficial for the team.

Like: What’s going on with the contact form?

One of the main business goals of our website is to get people to contact us for projects or to volunteer for us. But with Kevin we are going to be able to evaluate how well this funnel works. Nobody ever made us explain it in detail. Kevin inspired us to diagram it.

Trufi Contact Form Flowchart
Trufi Contact Form Flowchart

Arctic Circle Tourist

Kevin isn’t all about analytics and numbers. He’s been to Lapland — the land of Santa Claus — and he has the Arctic Circle stamp on his passport to prove it. He describes it as one of the most beautiful places he’s ever been. He didn’t say whether he got his Reindeer Driving License. (Is that sustainable transport?)

Kevin’s efforts and rigorous approach are greatly appreciated, and his work is making a significant impact on our operations.

Hey. Look. Here’s that contact form.

Be Like Kevin: Volunteer for Trufi

We feature a volunteer every month who has helped make a difference at Trufi. Could it be you next? Here’s a partial list of our volunteering ideas based on our current needs. Contact us now get started as a volunteer.